Thaumcraft 4 Research Helper



Available Aspects


    This script helps you with your Thaumcraft 4.x research. If you have a research note with two aspects that you don't know how to connect, this is your tool.

    • Select the aspect from which you have to start.
    • Select the aspect you have to get to.
    • Additionally, you can specify the minimum number of steps needed, that is, the number of empty spaces between the two aspects in your research note.
    • Hit Go!

    If you are unhappy with the path you got, because you do not have access to those aspects yet or they are quite rare, simply disable those aspects in the config section. Besides, clicking an aspect in a search result will rerun the search again, but with the aspect disabled (just momentarily).

    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License

    Original sources are hosted on GitHub. Original page can be found here.

    Styled by Jesús Cuenca. Fork hosted in GitHub. Page can be found in its GitHub page.